IP Bureau offers a comprehensive trademark search through our large database. Before filing, make sure that your trademark is uniquely identifiable. Search for possible conflicts regarding trademark registration and if someone is trying to register a trademark similar to you.
Search through the database to find out whether you want to reconsider your trademark idea. IP Bureau fulfils all your trademark research needs in one place.
Before filing your trademark, make sure that it does not infringe upon other trademarks causing problems to your trademark registration process. Search our trademark library for comprehensive search.
A Simple Registration Process to Safeguard Your Company name
Fill out the form to begin the process of registering your trademark with us, and you may have it done in a matter of minutes.
To make sure the trademark is distinctive and not already in use, we perform extensive research before compiling your brand registration procedure.
Our agents will submit the finished trademark application to the USPTO and the completed applications for copyright registration to the US Copyright Office.
For young and beginning businesses in particular, thorough trademark research is strongly advised. We do thorough research on your mark before moving on with the additional procedures for the official registration of your brand or intellectual property. Our thorough investigation enables you to make the necessary corrections and guarantee that no one else is using your company brand in the corporate sector. Practically speaking, we assist you save enough time and money by doing this. Due to the fact that USPTO filing costs are non-refundable, we are severe about pre-checking your trademark.
When filing an application for a logo or brand name registration, the trademark owner's legal name and entity type must be provided in order to prevent future legal issues. Generic terms, phrases, or slogans should not be utilized as the trademark as they are more likely to be disregarded. Additionally, it must not infringe upon a trademark that has already been registered or sought for. If you don't have the person's specific permission, your trademark should not use their name, signature, or likeness.
(Last working day) We will begin the procedure right away and deliver it to you for approval by the end of the next business day. This service is appropriate for people who require a little bit of extra time for their trademark filing. Although we'll give your submission first attention, there's no guarantee that the US Copyright Office will act on it or get back to you immediately away.
We accomodate a variety of different payment options. You can book a free meeting to learn more.
The federal search provides any similar names, logos, or slogans that are registered or pending with the USPTO.
State SearchThe state search does the same for all 50 states.
Detailed online reportIdentifies any matches with all the information you need to strategize your next step.
We run a search for all corporate and other business entity names in all 50 states.
Corporate DirectoriesWe search the corporate directories for listing of others who might be using your name.
Common lawProprietary internet searches reveal the use of your name that may be protected by common law trademarks.
We search for pending and registered marks in these multi-national jurisdictions:
Domain namesThe European community
Domain namesWorld Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Get copyright and trademark protection for your brand by registering with us right away!
Get a Trademark