WIPO Trademark Services

WIPO Trademark Services – International Brand Protection

Expanding globally? Our WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) trademark services help you register & protect your brand across multiple countries.

  • One application, multiple country protection.
  • Legal guidance through the Madrid System.
  • Ensure compliance with international trademark laws.

Why International Trademark Registration Matters

If you plan to sell products or services internationally, a U.S. trademark alone won’t protect your brand. Without WIPO registration, businesses in other countries could legally use your name or even trademark it before you do.

Our WIPO trademark services ensure comprehensive global protection, simplifying the complex international registration process and helping you secure your brand in over 100 countries with a single application.

Consult Our Experts

Our Client Say
About US

With IP Bureau, we have registered many trademarks for our various businesses, and they have always performed admirably. I'm glad they've been here from the beginning.

Josef Fallesen

In order to register our trademark with the USPTO, we contacted IP Bureau. We weren't let down by them. The entire process was quick and painless. received our trademark on schedule.

Oliver Henry

We have always count on on IP Bureau to help us register our works with the USCO. They have always delivered and I am grateful for it.

Evelyn Grace

Without delay, the very skilled team at IP Bureau submitted our artist's project for USCO registration. They didn't let us down at all.

Miriam Casey

The best decision we've ever made was to hire IP Bureau to assist us in selecting the ideal formation strategy for our small business.

Ethel Olson

We received a variety of formation alternatives from the IP Bureau team, which helped our new company get off to a successful start. I have no words to adequately express my gratitude to them.

Alex Cary

Ready. Get set. Get Yourself Trademarked

Get copyright and trademark protection for your brand by registering with us right away!

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